Thermage CPT in Madrid
Thermage is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy that smoothes, tightens and contours the skin for a visibly younger appearance.
One single session, immediate results
Generally, immediate results are observed and continue for 6 months, which is when 80% of the new collagen is reached and 100% is obtained after 12 monthsAnd it is not until after 3 years that we return to pre-treatment levels of collagen production.
Benefits of Thermage
- Reduces wrinkles and crow's feet
- Lifts eyelids
- Smoothes fine lines
- Redefines facial contours
- Stimulates the creation of collagen and elastin
- Tightens and smoothes the skin
- In just one session!
Don't let anything stop you

No recovery time is required. After treatment you can quickly return to your normal routine and no special care is required, except for a few minor guidelines recommended to optimise and maximise results.
The enemy is the flaccidity and our ally is called Thermage
What is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and its function is to create the fibres that form the structures of our organism. In the case of the skin, it combines with elastin to form a structure similar to an elastic net, which keeps our skin attached to other structures.
At the end of adolescence, collagen production in the skin begins to decline. It is estimated that by the age of 40 the body produces half of this and by the age of 60 a quarter.
The cells responsible for the production of collagen are still there, but their activity stops and they are left waiting for the need to produce this protein again, for example, when we suffer an injury.
Thermage is the only radiofrequency on the market, which allows, safely, to work at the necessary depth and with the exact frequency to stimulate the creation of new collagen in the skin, immediately and continuously for several months..
Thermage is safe
Unlike lasers, we do not need to take precautions with the sun after a treatment. Thermage can be performed in conjunction with other treatments or after a surgery.
Thermage treatments at the best price in Madrid
Eyelid Thermage
The eyes are the mirror of the soul, but drooping eyelids, fine lines and even contours can make you look tired. That's why Thermage treats the upper and lower eyelids for a more youthful, refreshed look.
Face Thermage
Thermage restores facial contours, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, while stimulating dramatic collagen regeneration, improving overall skin health.
Body Thermage
Over the years, or after a diet in which you have lost weight rapidly, flaccidity can appear on legs, abdomen or arms. To solve this, Thermage tightens the skin on your arms, legs or abdomen.
Buttock Thermage
The skin looks younger and firmer from the deepest layers. Thus, with Thermage we can tighten, firm and shape your buttocks.
Frequently asked questions about Thermage treatment
How much does Thermage cost?
The price varies depending on the area to be treated, but is significantly less than comparable cosmetic surgery and the results are more natural with no recovery time. aquí y te informaremos del precio.
How long will the effects last?
The procedure helps to tighten existing collagen and stimulates natural collagen production for up to six months after treatment. Therefore, the results can last for years depending on the patient's skin condition and the natural ageing process.
Can Thermage be performed on areas that were previously treated with other lasers?
Yes! Thermage is a completely safe radiofrequency, which is why it is often used in combination with other lasers.
Can I have Thermage if I have previously had fillers?
Shared clinical studies have shown Thermage to be safe over most fillers, including hyaluronic acid (Restylane / Juvederm), calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) and Sculptra. However, it has not been tested in areas previously injected with silicone.
How long does the procedure take?
Depending on the size and location of the area to be treated, the procedure can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half.
When will I see the results?
Visible results are often immediate and improve over time. Measurable improvements in fit and contouring appear gradually over a period of two to six months after a single treatment session.
How many treatments are needed?
Unlike many procedures that require four or more sessions, most patients need only one treatment. The practitioner will determine the appropriate course of treatment for each patient, based on the patient's needs and goals.
What is Thermage?
The procedure works by using monopolar radiofrequency technology to heat the collagen fibres deep into the skin and underlying tissue. Thus, this enhanced and uniform heating action causes the skin and underlying tissue structures to tighten immediately while stimulating collagen growth. After a period of time, new and remodelled collagen is produced to strengthen and contour the skin.
How does Thermage treatment work?
It uses radiofrequency technology to heat the deep layers of your skin. This heat helps to remodel existing collagen and produce new collagen, which improves the smoothness and texture of the skin's surface.
Resolvemos tus dudas
¿Tienes alguna duda? ¿Que tratamiento es adecuado para ti? ¿Qué precio tiene un tratamiento? Llámanos al 91 889 44 55 o completa el formulario y contactaremos contigo. Indícanos si prefieres que contactemos por correo electrónico o por teléfono y si tienes preferencia por algún horario.
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