Body diagnosis with ultrasound measurement
Ultrasound diagnosis for 30 €. We listen to your body to tell us what treatment you need.
Diagnostic accuracy
Todo en Belleza has the first tool to make a body diagnosis by means of an ultrasound image.
by means of an ultrasound image. This device, known as an adipometer, shows us where and how much
shows us where and in what quantity the adipose tissue is located, but it also allows us to
see the muscle mass and the muscle mass and possible fluid retention that we may have and
all this with astonishing accuracy amazing precision. 100% safe, reliable and accurate.
The cost of body diagnosis using ultrasound imaging is only 30€
All advantages
Straight to the point
It helps you to choose the most suitable aesthetic treatment for you. Obviously, a treatment against localised fat will not have the expected results if the problem is fluid retention or excess muscle mass. So you will avoid spending a lot of money on a cosmetic treatment that is not right for you..
No more interpretations
A body diagnosis with ultrasound imaging before and after treatment, and you will be able to check and quantify the real results you have obtained.
Monitor your diet
By having regular diagnostics (find out more about our vouchers) you can monitor the progress of a diet and see if you are getting results by measuring exactly how much fat you have lost.
Intelligent training
Check the progress of your training plan by taking regular measurements (find out more about our vouchers) of the amount of fat and muscle mass. It will allow you to identify the areas of your body that require extra effort.
How does the Adipometer work?

By using the probe, reference points are taken of the area we wish to diagnose. Thus, in real time, thanks to its advanced software, we can see the characteristics and depth of the tissue, , showing in different colours the fat, cellulite, muscle mass, fluid retention for a simple understanding of the results . Once these measurements have been completed, all the results are saved so that comparisons can be made in future revisions.
Make an appointment for your ultrasound body diagnosis
Body diagnosis with ultrasound imaging is carried out in our centre in Calle Luchana, 25 en Madrid,
Resolvemos tus dudas
¿Tienes alguna duda? ¿Que tratamiento es adecuado para ti? ¿Qué precio tiene un tratamiento? Llámanos al 91 889 44 55 o completa el formulario y contactaremos contigo. Indícanos si prefieres que contactemos por correo electrónico o por teléfono y si tienes preferencia por algún horario.
Política de Privacidad
En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal y su Reglamento de desarrollo, se informa de que los datos personales proporcionados en los cuestionarios que se encuentren ubicados en esta web, formarán parte de un fichero gestionado por Asesoramiento Integral de Imagen S.L.U. (Todo en Belleza) con domicilio social en la calle Luchana, 25, 28010 Madrid, con la finalidad de gestionar el servicio contratado así como posteriores revisiones u otras informaciones relacionadas que pudieran ser de tu interés, por cualquier medio, incluido el electrónico, ofrecidos por Asesoramiento Integral de Imagen, S.L. El solicitante podrá ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, en cualquier caso, mediante la debida acreditación de su identidad, en la dirección mencionada anteriormente o en el buzón de e-mail
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